than months after he was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, George
Zimmerman's wife has filed for divorce. 26 year old Shellie Zimmerman filed for
divorce just yesterday, a week after she pleaded guilty to a perjury charge for
lying during a bail hearing following her husband's arrest in Feb 2012. She
lied about the couple's assets when her husband was trying to be released on a
lower bond. Shelley was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of
community service.
Shelley said in an interview with 'Good Morning America' last week that she was having serious doubts about remaining married to George, not because she didn't believe he acted in self defense, but because she was just disappointed. She also said they lived in hiding while awaiting his trial.
Shelley said in an interview with 'Good Morning America' last week that she was having serious doubts about remaining married to George, not because she didn't believe he acted in self defense, but because she was just disappointed. She also said they lived in hiding while awaiting his trial.
"We have pretty
much lived like gypsies for the past year and a half. We've lived in a 20-foot
trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone would go and find us and
that it would be horrific," she said.
She also told ABC she is deeply sorry for the Martin family's
loss. "I can't even begin to understand the grief a parent experiences
when they lose a child," she said. Shelley and George married in 2007 and
had no children.
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