Bianca said she had never met Fani-Kayode before, either at
official or private level, not to talk of having an “intimate” relationship
with him.
The ambassador, who spoke through her lawyers, Wall Street Attorneys, has, therefore, threatened to drag the former
aide to ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo to court if, in the nextseven days, he fails to retract his libelous publication against her.
In the letter from her lawyers to Fani-Kayode, dated August 27,
2013 and signed by Mike Ugwuanyi, Esq, Mrs. Ojukwu demanded that the former
minister writes an apology and retraction of the said libelous publication in
The Sun and Thisday newspapers, as well as publish it in the online publication, where it emanated, in the
next seven days or face litigation.
We have been briefed and our services retained by Ambassador
Bianca Ojukwu, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Spain to demand from you an unreserved
apology and a retraction of a false and malicious statement, which you
published online and also caused to be published in the Leadership Newspaper of
August 16, 2013.
In the said article entitled, ‘Neither a Tribalist nor a Hater,’ you recklessly alleged, as follows:
In the said article entitled, ‘Neither a Tribalist nor a Hater,’ you recklessly alleged, as follows:
‘I was not a tribalist when I had a long standing and intimate relationship with Miss Bianca Onoh…’, a statement,
which you know is untrue and unfounded, but only calculated to lower our
client’s esteem and damage her national and international reputation.
Our client has never met you, does not know you in person and has never had any official or private relationship with you how much more ‘a long-standing andintimate relationship.
Our client has never met you, does not know you in person and has never had any official or private relationship with you how much more ‘a long-standing andintimate relationship.
Our client is therefore, outraged by your bizarre and scandalous
allegation and the numerous mails and telephone calls she has received from
friends, relations and admirers who are equally embarrassed and who seek to
confirm the veracity or otherwise of your false and reckless publication.
Your apparent lame and half-hearted attempt, as published in the
Leadership Newspaper of 17th August 2013, to clarify your false and malicious
allegation falls far short of a
retraction and does not sufficiently address the damage to our client arising
from the widespread dissemination of your false publication and is therefore
unacceptable to our client.
In the circumstances, we demand, on the instruction of our client that you
submit to her a clear and unqualified apology and retraction published in The
Sun and Thisday newspapers in addition to having the retraction published
Take note that should you fail to tender the apology and publish a retraction of your false and malicious publication, seven days next after your receipt of this demand notice, our further instructions are to seek appropriate redress in court. And that shall be without further recourse to you. Be properly guided.”
Daily Sun
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